Thursday, May 27, 2010

On the road to Agra.....

During the five plus hours we spent driving from Delhi to Agra I jotted down simple sentences, words, phrases about what I saw looking out the car window.
Here are some of my rambling, unedited observations and thoughts.
We have gone from night to day......(leaving Leh - arriving in Delhi)
Sharing the same road: cars, cabs, rickshaws, buses, trucks, bicycles, carts pulled by donkeys, cattle, camels and man, even saw a "holy man" walking
The road is a symphony of horns....with no conductor!
Four lanes roads with vehicles trying to Jockey into making it 7-9 lanes. Craziness!
Old Ambassador cars, black and white with curtain's over the back windows...wonder who is inside?
Barefoot woman on rocks, sleeping along side the road
Construction worker's children from Bihar playing in the construction debris along the road with no one watching them
Modern building's next to shacks
South Delhi- seemed nicer, more affluent
Despite the heat , it was 36 degrees C at 9:30 in the morning, flowering trees with shades of pink and white flowers blooming.
Barefoot boys pushing over filled push carts along the road
Passed a slum - terrible poverty - stench in the air
Buses passing us ready to explode with people
Outskirts of Delhi: industrial, expanding the metro, building everywhere
Driving for 1 1/4 hours and we still are not outside of Delhi
Camel walking along side the road no one with it.....who does it belong to? (Did I mention that I saw an elephant pulling a fallen tree in Atari?)
Abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables in the open people have money to pay for it?
Men and women walking with bundles and jugs on their heads
Truck load of women in bright colored, shinny sari's in front of our car
Sign says 156 KM to Agra, we are getting closer....if only the traffic would move
Men along side the road sleeping on rope cots.
Cows, water buffalo and now some sheep on the roa
Doug offered our driver some dried apricots from Kashmir,,,,he asked what it was, said he had never seen one and then said he was Hindu and was worried it might be meat.
I asked the driver what was growing in the field's..he told me they have three crops a year in this part of India: wheat mustard and then vegetables.
We are on a tollway: 35 rupees.....I hope it means we will go faster
In between Delhi and Agra is where Krishna lived (with this cow Herder girls)
Plastic bottles, plastic bags and garbage EVERYWHERE you look.
The sky isn't blue, it is gray because of all the pollution.
Agra is now 114 KM away, we stop to pay the UTTAR PRADESH tax, while the driver is inside men are knocking on the windows trying to sell us peacock fans, jewelry, window covers.....trying to ignore them.
Entering Agra: Population 1.2 million people...they all must be on the side of the road and in the streets......masses of humanity everywhere.

I hope some of the above makes sense.....sometimes it is just impossible to describe what India is like....the people, the heat, the animals, the garbage, the strange languages somehow it all acts like a drug and it all becomes addictive. I can honestly say, there is plenty I don't like about this place but at the same time, there is something that makes it exotic seductive and I want to come back for more.

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